What We Offer

Five programs

Youth Outreach Internship Program
Brotherhood & Sisterhood Support Group
Global Ready Life Skill Clubs
One to One Mentoring
Recreational Activities

Youth Outreach Internship Program ~

We offer paid/unpaid internship programs for high school and college graduates. If you are interested email your cover letter and resume to Executive Director Nishant Sadangi,
Email: contact@beautifulmindsyouth.org

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Brotherhood & Sisterhood Support group ~

To provide strong levels of developmental relationships with young mentors across the globe, we have created a program to support social and emotional necessities of underserved and underprivileged youth. Through this program our young mentors have formed brotherhood and sisterhood support groups, and are available throughout the year to show genuine care and develop lifelong relationships. To be part of the group contact with us.

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Global Ready Life Skill Clubs and Workshops ~

Through a wide variety of enriching activities, skill developing workshops and personal interactions, mentors of Beautiful Minds Youth Mentoring Foundation are trying to unlock true potential of youth across the globe. With a vision to support dreams of every youth involved in our program, we have created various clubs to promote global ready life skills. We have a conviction that by learning varieties of interest based skills and participating in interactive sessions with privileged young mentors as well as adult mentors the underprivileged,underserved,distressed youth will grow stronger emotionally, intellectually and spiritually to become shaped as confident global ready citizens. Click here to learn about various clubs.

One To One Mentoring ~

We understand the difficulty distressed youth are facing due to rise of global pandemic. Many of them lost their loved ones and are deprived from social interactions due to forced home bound situation. Through this program our caring adult mentors are providing genuine one to one support to spread positivity and deal with life’s pressure. If you need help connect with us.

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Recreational activities ~

We value dedication of our youth mentors and contribution toward this cause. We understand that it is important to be healthy emotionally, in order to help the needy youth. Hence we have created a program to build confidence and trust among our mentors through recreational activities. This program serves the emotional needs of our youth mentors.

Find out more about how you can help Beautiful Minds today!

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